SV: SV: [Tutor] Stuck with classes - events

Danny Kohn
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 21:49:02 +0200

| Fran: []For Sean
| 'Shaleh' Perry
| Skickat: den 5 oktober 2001 16:46
| Till: Danny Kohn
| Kopia: Python Tutor mailing list

| Consider this.  When item A gets a Ctrl+Left click it tells its=20
| parent to make it the current object.

And how is this "telling" done in practice in oop? I am very new to =

|  The parent then makes item A the current=20
| object (gives
| focus, etc).  Essentially the object tells its controller "my=20
| turn please".
| parent.givefocus(child) called from within child.handleKeyPress().

Again, yes this is what I want to do but I don't understand how to do =
Could you elaborate slightly? How do I transfer control the way you =
describe. Does it imply a special way of making classes and attributes?
