[Tutor] my web site

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:19:06 -0400

On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 08:41:00AM +0100, agauld@crosswinds.net wrote:
| My web site is up again in limited form - English only.
| The key thing is that the zip and tgz files are both available so
| via themn the whole site as it was can be grabbed(again English 
| only)
| Hopefully by close of play today I'll have the foreign zip files up too.
| This is hindered by crosswinds not providing ftp access only web 
| uploads - OK for a few files but a pain for major work!

Yeah, but couldn't you use a python script to walk through the
directory (locally) and issue an HTTP PUT for each file?
