[Tutor] if file == exists, then dont copy it

Tor Stormwall tor@agent.creson.com
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 11:41:55 +0100 (CET)


I'm trying to write a section in a piece of code that
if a file exists with a given name it will copy the file
to that name. For example, file1 to my_new_file

I've got the name config_file_named defined as TEST3, like this:
config_file_name = "TEST3"

I've imported exists from os.path.
The code should  act something like:
if file: then do not copy, else copy the file.

The code looks like this:
    from os.path import exists
    verbose=1 # is it here?
    force=0   # are whe gonna force? noo
    if exists(config_file_name) and not force:
        if verbose: print file, ' is already created'
            print "copying file"
            os.system('cp MYFILE ' + config_file_name)

The program seem to skip everything after force=0 and
then exit.

Best Regards,
Tor Stormwall

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|   M A Y   T H E   S O U R C E   B E   W I T H   Y O U   |
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| Tor Stormwall			mailto:tor@stormwall.org  |
| http://www.creson.com/~tor  				  |
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