[Tutor] Illegal Operation??

Glen Wheeler wheelege@tsn.cc
Thu, 31 May 2001 19:08:18 +1000

> I'm afraid Tcl/Tk doesn't play nice with threads.  For example, the usual
> result of trying to run a threaded program under IDLE is also some sort of
> crash in tcl83.dll.  AFAIK, the only way to get it to work is to write
> code such that *you* guarantee that the thread in which Tk is first
> is the *only* thread Tk ever gets invoked from or gets called back from.
> For example, do all your computation in one thread and all your GUI in a
> different thread.

  ARGH....seriosuly?  *sneaks a side look at 1200+ line script in question*.

  Oh dear.  Allow me some time to grieve.




  Ok, over it...  So, it should be fine if I keep all the gui stuff in one
thread...and all the other stuff in other threadS?  I will need more than
two...and here I was thinking I was finished.
  Perhaps the lockups aren't random, but where GUI calls are made to
tcl...hmmm there may be a pattern.  There is a pattern!  Brilliant, now if I
just grow an extra day, I can get this finished on time.
  Argh...perhaps two days...why doesn't tcl just work with threads?  :(

  *gets ready for an all-niter*
