[Tutor] Education vs Employment

Lance E Sloan lsloan@umich.edu
Wed, 16 May 2001 09:44:38 -0400

Kojo Idrissa wrote:
> Point #2 listed there is probably closest to what Deirdre and Arthur have 
> commented on .   Taking that into account, I just wanted to get the group's 
> opinion on my reasoning.

Basically, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?  You can't change
every employer's mind that a CS degree is required, so you might as
well meet the requirement if you want the jobs.  Of course, you run
the risk of working for an employer that's closed-minded, but when you
need a job, you need a job.

Reminds me of the funny looks I get when I tell people that hackers are
the good guys.

I do have a BS CS degree and it's the only one I have.  I've considered
going for a MS, but in Library Science.  However, if I ever get around
to it, I may decide that it should be a CS in Library Science.  Who

I really do sympathize for good programmers who are discriminated
against for their non-CS education.  I know several good programmers
and sysadmins who have arts, Linguistics, and English degrees.  I even
know one person who has no college degree at all who is doing quite
well.  (But I swear he must have studied nothing but Machiavelli, which
lends some credence to what Deirdre wrote earlier.)

Lance E Sloan
Web Services, Univ. of Michigan: Full-service Web and database design,
development, and hosting.  Specializing in Perl & Python CGIs.
http://websvcs.itd.umich.edu/ - "Putting U on the Web"