[Tutor] help with files

Matthews James cooler12001@yahoo.com
Tue, 8 May 2001 02:25:35 -0700 (PDT)

Ok I have a .txt file that is something like this:

jumper eat the ball

I am want help with changing the looks of it. like at
a [backspace] im wanting to have a '\n' after it so
that it will change lines. and the letters or words im
wanting to stay on the same line. Can anyone help me? 

I know how to open a file in python but not change it 

I know that anyone that looks at this question is
gonna say  huh? 

this is all i know about this stuff:
openfile = open(filename,'{what do i put here}')

Thanx and Thanx to all of you who helped me out on my
other lame questions.


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