[Tutor] Windows Programs

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 11:56:16 +0100

> I'm trying to find out how to create windows programs with 
> python (also perl & c). Every language I learn I always 
> finish at dos programs 

Theres a good reason for that - its very hard to write windows programs
compared to DOS ones!


> and can never find out how to create programs for windows. 

In Python you want to look at one of the GUI toolkits. 
The one that comes as standard with Python is Tkinter and
there is a good tutorial linked from the Python Web site 
under the Tkinter area. There is also a book available.

However Tkinter is not much like most windows tookits so 
if you want to use MFC or Delphi or even VB later you 
probably want to look at wxWindows and its Python version 
or maybe even the GTk bindings. But there are not nearly 
so well documented for a beginner.

You can also use the MFC classes as found in the winall 
package (or by default if you have ActiveState rather 
than BeOpen Python)

> (I've come across win 95 assembly language, does this 
> have to be used some how?) 

No, avoid assembly like the plague for GUI programming!

As a very lightweight intro to GUI programming try the 
event driven pages of my online tutor and the latter 
section of the case study. (I'm toying with the idea 
of adding a Tkinter topic to the tutor to explain it 

Alan G