[Tutor] re: software design

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 11:29:23 -0000

> P.D: Not a flame, but aren't 20 years two much for a software 
> design book?. Methodologies have change a lot within this 20 years 
> (Structured - OOP)

Methodologies haven't changed that much. New ones have appeared 
but the older ones are still around and valid for some areas.

OO is a great advance in software engineering but it's not 
universally "a good thing". Indeed the functional programming 
school would suggest that they already have the natural 
successor to OO but even FP is not a universal panacea.

Choosing the correct tool for the job is, and always will be, 
the most important skill in an engineer's armoury (to mix 
metaphors!). One of the greatest benefits of Python is that 
it doesn't dictate any particular mode of working. It 
offers imperative, object and functional styles to be 
used as the programmer deems appropriate depending on the 
problem at hand and his/her experience.

Alan g.