[Tutor] Read - Only Text?

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 18:58:26 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Tim Johnson wrote:

> 	I need to set up a widget that :
> 1)Displays text
> 2)Allows copy and paste
> 3)But does "not" allow editing
> Question: I can't find a way to set the TKinter Text widget to
> read - only. That is, not editable.

Has anyone answered your question yet?  I haven't found a boolean that
makes it uneditable yet.

I've been looking at the Message widget, which I thought would be perfect.  
However, I can't seem to do copy and paste against it.  *sigh* Close, but
not close enough.  I'll read and experiment some more, and if I find
anything, I'll email again about this.