[Tutor] Option of passing sequences are arguments

Kalle Svensson kalle@gnupung.net
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 01:31:11 +0200

Sez Phil Bertram:
> I would like to define a class so that it can be called as follows
> m = MyObject(arg1,arg2,arg3)
> or
> args=(arg1,arg2,arg3)
> x=MyObject(args)

Python 2.1 (#1, Jun 15 2001, 00:08:24) 
[GCC 2.95.4 20010604 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
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>>> def f(*args):
...     print args
>>> args = (1,2,3)
>>> f(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> f(args)
((1, 2, 3),)
>>> f(*args) # This only works in 2.1 (2.0?) and later
(1, 2, 3)
>>> apply(f, args)
(1, 2, 3)

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