[Tutor] Re: tabs vs spaces

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:49:23 -0400

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 11:21:39AM +0200, Charlie Clark wrote:
| >If you use a text editor that's aware of Python, you usually don't need to
| >worry about the distinction.  In Emacs, PythonWin, and IDLE, pressing TAB
| >will cause the editor to indent by four spaces, which is very nice.  What
| >text editor do you use to edit Python code?
| I use Pe for the BeOS and generally use tabs - most of my programming 
| experience has been with HTML pages with windows editors where tabs are more 
| convenient than spaces.

Not to start an editor war, but FYI (g)vim has options so that you can
have the indent level you want and spaces are inserted instead of
tabs.  You get all the editing convenience of tabs but spaces are
stored in the file instead.  I'm sure emacs and others have similar
