[Tutor] wxPython - how to 'focus'?

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed, 4 Jul 2001 00:22:35 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Hanna Joo wrote:

> Hello all
> I am trying to build in 'LostFocus' and 'GotFocus' (Visual Basic terms, I
> think) into my simple wxPython program. So far, I managed to find two
> entries on events re 'Focus':
> there are a few other methods from wxWindow class: onSetFocus and
> OnKillFocus. What I want to do is quite simple. I want the second textbox to
> set its value when the first textbox loses focus.

Dear Hanna,

I haven't touched wxPython before, and I've noticed that your message
hasn't been answered yet; I don't think we have enough wxPython users here
to adequately answer your question.

You might want to ask your question on the wxPython-users mailing list ---
it should have people who are more experienced with your graphics library:


I hope that someone there can help.  Good luck to you!