[Tutor] Re: Tutor digest, Vol 1 #741 - 6 msgs

Remco Gerlich scarblac@pino.selwerd.nl
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 18:49:55 +0200

On  0, Aedin Culhane <Aedin@chah.ucc.ie> wrote:
> Dear Tutor
> My apologies to those subscribed to comp.lang.python, as I have posted my
> request there last week, but as yet have no response.  As I am hitting a
> blank wall, I would be really really grateful of your help.
> I am trying to get idle working on Tru64 5.1 Unix running Python 2.1, but
> tkinter can not be imported. tcl/tk seems to be installed already. I am
> trying to follow the instructions in 
> http://www.python.org/topics/tkinter/trouble.html.
> "which tcl" gives /usr/bin/tcl
> The files tcl.h and tk.h exist in /usr/include/ and list the version
> numbers of tcl and tk as 8.2.
> However there are no tcl/tk lib files, libtcl"version".a or
> libtk"version".a in  /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.  There is a tcl directory
> in /usr/lib, but these files do not have the .a extension... am I looking
> in the wrong place? Equally I am not sure whether if the X11 libraries are
> /usr/lib/X11.

I'm not familiar with AIX. It's quite possible that noone on this list is.
You'll have better luck on the main Python list (or comp.lang.python, which
is the same thing).

Are there any libtcl* files there? Or try to find them somewhere else. If
you have a working find command,
find / -name 'libtcl*' -print
should find them eventually. If there are no libs, tcl/tk isn't installed

There's a tiny chance that AIX names libraries some other way, do the other
files in /usr/lib have names like libwhee.a or .so?

Remco Gerlich