[Tutor] Need help with Tkinter Entry()..

James Matthews cooler12001@hotmail.com
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:22:02 -0000

from Tkinter import *

def do():
    ENTRY = entry.get()
    for times in range(0,13):
        E = '%d X %d = %d' % (ENTRY,times,ENTRY*times)
        label = Label(root,text=E)

root = Tk()
entry = Entry(root)
button = Button(root,text='Times',command=do)

I dont know how to get the entry to get the number or
text it always say that it needs a integer. but
when i call it in the python shell it says that it is
     .274467 or something like that and this number is
always different when i run the program

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