[Tutor] Configure Problems

Patrick Phalen python-list@teleo.net
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:21:46 -0800

[alan.gauld@bt.com, on Wed, 15 Mar 2000]
:: > understanding, that if a Path is put into the
:: > bash_profile file the the shell would find it and it is not 
:: You need to add it to the PATH variable, 
:: I assume - I use tcsh myself!



Note that whatever you add won't take effect until the file is reread
when you log out and back in.

Also, there are (presumably) three files in your home directory that
have special meaning to bash, providing a way for you to set up your
environment the way you want.


And there should be a global bashrc in /etc.

.bash_profile is read/executed only by the login shell. If you start up
a new shell (a subshell), it will attempt to read commands from
.bashrc. This scheme allows you some flexibility in differentiating
startup commands from those needed later. If you need the same commands
run regardless, you need to use the source command from within
.bash_profile to execute .bashrc. If .bashrc doesn't exist, then
/etc/bashrc will be executed. If neither exists, no commands are

Once again, these are not Python questions. I encourage you to invest
in a good basic book on working with Unix or Linux and the shells or
search the Internet for information.