[Tutor] "art of computer programming"

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 12 Jun 2000 17:21:06 +0100

> i am a total newbie at programming on computers,but i
> have programmed my calculator.so i want to know that
> should i start to learn Python

You could try my web page at:


Which us designed for total beginners. There are several books 
which should be readable after that. Currently the best for 
beginners is Ivan Lannignghams 'Teach Yourself python in 24 Hours'

> or read any book like
> "art of computer programming".

I would NOT recommend that for a beginner - thats a fairly 
heavy mathematical based look at programming which whilst 
being a 'classic' is not a book(or actually a series of books) 
from which to learn to program.

> also tell me where can i find such books b'coz i live
> in india.

Since you can send email I assume you can read the web so you 
could try Amazon.com or any other online bookstore. 
What postage costs/times to India would be I have no idea!
Also, since the software industry in India is second only to the 
USA I would expect Indian bookshops to hold a reasonable stock.

Alan g.