[Tutor] Re: [Python-Help] general question about python integration with C

Martin von Loewis loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:41:53 +0200

> I want to test the App program's ability to do interprocess
> communication. The way to do this is to have my C driver program in one
> process and My App program in another process. 
> But in using Python extendsion to C. How can I have the driving
> programs(python script, C wrapper program)  run in one process while my
> Apps program in another process? Or is there something I can do? 
> If you have run in a similar situation, or you are using pyton to drive
> testing your Apps. What do you suggest?

You should create a Python module for your C driver program. Please
see the "extending and embedding" Python manual on how to create a new
Python module.

Then, the C driver code, and the Python script will both run in the
same process; communicating to Your App via interprocess
