[Tutor] newbie question 2

Kevin Liang 7kcsl@qlink.queensu.ca
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:33:15 -0500

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def numwords(s):
    list = string.split(s)
    return len(list)

What does the (s) mean ?  Thanks..
Also, I was thinking of getting the book Learning Python , the
one by O'Reily et al , and has the big rat/mouse on the
cover..anyone recommend it ?  It had a good review in linux


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def numwords(s):
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; list = string.split(s)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return len(list)
<p>What does the (s) mean ?&nbsp; Thanks..
<br>Also, I was thinking of getting the book Learning Python , the one
by O'Reily et al , and has the big rat/mouse on the cover..anyone recommend
it ?&nbsp; It had a good review in linux journal
