[Tutor] Initializing Tupples

Jonathon jblake@stamp-coin.com
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 03:10:57 +0000 (UTC)

	I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to initialize a tupple.
	The code is as follows:
        blank_string = "  "
        blank_number = 0
        new_tupple = ( blank_string, blank_string, blank_string, blank_number, blank_string, blank_number, blank_number )
        # actually, it is 90 items long - the first 50 are blank_string, then the rest are a mix of strings and numbers

        The error message I get is:
	"TypeError: object does not support item assignment"

	Thinking perhaps I needed braces, rather than parenthesis
	I used them instead, with the same error message.

	My specific aim is to initialize a tupple to a set of default values
        then change the value of various items, according to needs.

	I'm making perhaps three fatal assumptions:
	 	#1:	tupple is to python as record is to Pascal.
		#2:	strings and numbers in a tupple can be changed.
                #3:     the number of elements in a tupple can not change.

	FWIW, I also tried curlyques, but that gave the standard SyntaxError
	message. Which is what I expected, given that they are for
        dictionaries, and I wasn't setting one up here. 
	Basically, I am using tupples exactly as if they were the same as
	Pascal's Record type.   Which means that i can change the data 
	in them, so long as the type of data is not changed.   

