[TriPython] Python for kids

PySimpleGUI at PySimpleGUI.com PySimpleGUI at PySimpleGUI.com
Mon Nov 25 14:10:31 EST 2019

I recently saw a book titled "Python for Kids"

I've been working with some educators recently on a new Discord channel meant to hook up educators and programmer.  I've not seen too much on there yet that would be suitable for kids.

A couple of months back I tried out a cool game that teaches Python called https://codecombat.com/

I liked it because kids write what looks like real Python code in order to get stuff done.  If you try it, be sure and try to figure out the ways of typing that code completion helps with so that not so much typing is required.

I wasn't quite coding at 9 so it's difficult for me to envision what a 9 year old can or is motivated to do with coding.


-----Original Message-----
From: TriZPUG <trizpug-bounces+mike=pysimplegui.org at python.org> On Behalf Of Chris Rossi
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019 9:33 AM
To: Triangle (North Carolina) Python Users Group (formerly TriZPUG) <trizpug at python.org>
Subject: [TriPython] Python for kids

Hi all!

My 9 year old has started asking about Python. Any good books or other resources aimed at younger learners that can keep things fun?


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