[TriPython] Next TriPython meeting after this month?

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Sun Nov 17 17:53:52 EST 2019

There's not one scheduled yet because we hadn't gotten your claim on December yet. (

I put out a request for speakers to this list on Oct 8 citing that our December meeting would be:

Thursday, December 12 at Caktus Group (Durham)

Up for that date/place?

If so, please respond with a talk title, brief description, and brief bio for the announcements.

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 11/16/19, 5:23 PM, "TriZPUG on behalf of David Handy" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of david at handysoftware.com> wrote:

    Hi TriPython friends -
    I was going to call shotgun to give my presentation on Rust at the December TriPython monthly meeting, but looking at the calendar there doesn't appear to be one scheduled.
    Looking at the [ record of past monthly meetings ]( http://trizpug.org/meetings/ ), it appears we didn't meet December 2018 either, though we did in December 2017.
    When is my next opportunity to give my Rust presentation?
    Here's the pitch:
    Hi, I'm David Handy, long-time TriPython participator and Python developer. I'm a homeschooling Dad, volunteer programming tutor, and author of a (now out-of-print) beginning programming textbook.
    This summer I decided to learn the Rust programming language, because it had been recommended to me by a respected colleague as a superior alternative to C/C++. In my presentation I will share:
    Brief overview of Rust features
    Why Rust is a better systems language than C/C++
    Rust/Python integration, with examples
    Rust/JavaScript integration, with examples
    I learned Rust by going through [ the Rust Book ]( https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ ) and reading, understanding, typing in, and running ALL of the code examples. I wrote [ a simple hexdump utility ]( https://bitbucket.org/dhandy2013/learn-rust/src/master/hexdump/ ) in Rust. I also wrote a [ mandelbrot set viewer in Rust and Python ]( https://bitbucket.org/dhandy2013/learn-rust/src/master/interop_python/ ), which I will demonstrate in my presentation.
    Your questions will be welcome, but since I started learning Rust less than six months ago so my answers will be non-authoritative. :) However, I have found [ the Rust documentation ]( https://www.rust-lang.org/learn ) to be excellent and the Rust community to be very welcoming. I got good answers to my questions on [ the Rust forum ]( https://users.rust-lang.org/ ). So I encourage my fellow Pythoneers to dive right in to Rust if they are interested!
    David H

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