[TriPython] Gitter Organization

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Wed Feb 13 16:25:31 EST 2019

Didn't choose Slack because not open source, limits on unpaid organizations messages and members, and the ton of open source organizations already on Gitter. Things like jupyter, conda, ipywidgets, matplotlib, dask, ipython, pydata, pandas, Django, xarray, scikit-learn/image, etc.. It seems to fit our ecosystem. The Python Slack team, for which the PSF pays, requires an invitation to join, although you can request an invitation. Gitter also supports mobile, desktop, and browser and I use it in my day job. I've been checking out the options for awhile. Anyone feel free to start a TriPython Slack team.

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 2/13/19, 3:42 PM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Will Spearman" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of willspearman at gmail.com> wrote:

    Slack would seem like a perfect free solution to chat, collaboration, etc.
    and many of us probably already use it for our day jobs. Plus it has
    mobile, desktop, and browser support on all the platforms. The general
    Python Community has a Slack workspace which I am on already.
    On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:09 PM Calloway, Chris <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:
    >    I have created an organization for us on Gitter to try as a replacement
    >    for IRC:
    >    [1]https://gitter.im/TriPython/
    >    Right now there is only one room to join. You will need to have a GitHub
    >    userid in order to join.
    >    I would appreciate you trying it out and letting this list know of any
    >    problems. It was way more complicated than it needed to be to set up.
    > And
    >    for all I know, way more complicated to join. I would not be surprised
    > to
    >    see that you need to allow Gitter as a third-party app in your Github
    >    settings. But I could just as easily be wrong.
    >    --
    >    Sincerely,
    >    Chris Calloway
    >    Applications Analyst
    >    University of North Carolina
    >    Renaissance Computing Institute
    >    (919) 599-3530
    > References
    >    Visible links
    >    1. https://gitter.im/TriPython/
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    > TriZPUG at python.org
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