[TriPython] deploying to azure app service

Ken M ken at mack-z.com
Fri May 12 22:18:25 EDT 2017

Does anyone on this list have any experience with this.

Now granted I am falling outside the templates MS provides by trying to
do this with a falcon app.  I just can't seem to get anything to work
right deploying to azure app services.  I am pretty sure I am doing it
all wrong and since documentation for MS/Azure when it comes to python
and visual studio is a bit hit or miss I would really like to find
someone who has done this before.

A mention I am not even trying to do anything fancy and found a git-repo
to clone that was basically a hello world falcon app as a template to
deploy to azure.  I have been trying to do the deployment through team
services and VS, and well now just manually cloned the git repo into the
app service.

If I had my choice I would not be using this system of doing things.
But I am trying to proof some concepts of easy buttons for other
developers to make life easier.

I am beginning to think with how annoying this is teaching them to use
emacs and gunicorn on an ubuntu server would actually be easier...


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