[TriPython] Status of Project Nights in July

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Thu Jun 15 09:36:45 EDT 2017

Just a heads up for your planning…

There will be no project night in Raleigh in July. First Tuesday falls on July 4th and WebAssign will be closed.

There will be no project night in Chapel Hill in July. Second Wednesday is during SciPy, where your host will be, and there is a conflict with the room scheduling on that evening necessitating a temporary move down one floor to the Institute for the Environment. I think it is more that I should ask a substitute host, who would have to be a RENCI employee, to manage the logistics of such a room change.

Both Raleigh and Chapel Hill Project Nights will resume in August on the usual schedule.

There will still be, to the best of my current knowledge, a Durham Project Night on July 17, the third Monday (in addition to the Durham Project Night on this coming Monday June  19).

The June and July featured speaker meetings will occur as previously scheduled.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

-------------- next part --------------
   Just a heads up for your planning...

   There will be no project night in Raleigh in July. First Tuesday falls on
   July 4^th and WebAssign will be closed.

   There will be no project night in Chapel Hill in July. Second Wednesday is
   during SciPy, where your host will be, and there is a conflict with the
   room scheduling on that evening necessitating a temporary move down one
   floor to the Institute for the Environment. I think it is more that I
   should ask a substitute host, who would have to be a RENCI employee, to
   manage the logistics of such a room change.

   Both Raleigh and Chapel Hill Project Nights will resume in August on the
   usual schedule.

   There will still be, to the best of my current knowledge, a Durham Project
   Night on July 17, the third Monday (in addition to the Durham Project
   Night on this coming Monday June  19).

   The June and July featured speaker meetings will occur as previously



   Chris Calloway

   Applications Analyst

   University of North Carolina

   Renaissance Computing Institute

   (919) 599-3530

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