[TriPython] Slides for last night's talk

Og Maciel omaciel at ogmaciel.com
Fri Jul 28 11:13:30 EDT 2017


I want to thank everyone who came out last night for my talk, ‘Just What is a Quality Engineer’, and for all the great questions! The slides for my talk can be found here:

* https://speakerdeck.com/omaciel/just-what-is-a-quality-engineer

I’m not sure when the video will be made public, but I can share that later on for those who could not make it.

As I mentioned last night feedback is a gift, so if you have any constructive feedback for me, please feel free to reply off the list :)

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,
Og Maciel - GPG Keys: CD03D583
omaciel at ogmaciel.com

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