[TriPython] PyData Triangle 3Q Meetup - Don't forget to register

Ginny Ghezzo ginnyghezzo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 18:05:25 EDT 2017

The third quarter PyData Triangle meetup is scheduled for Wednesday August
2 at 6:00pm at Maxpoint in RTP. All are welcome. You can register here -

We have a great line up of speakers including details on the 2018 PyData
Durham Conference. As always there will be time for your lightning talks.

I look forward to seeing you at this great local community of developers
and users of open source data tools.

Ginny Ghezzo
-------------- next part --------------
   The third quarter PyData Triangle meetup is scheduled for Wednesday August
   2 at 6:00pm at Maxpoint in RTP. All are welcome. You can register here
   We have a great line up of speakers including details on the 2018 PyData
   Durham Conference. As always there will be time for your lightning
   I look forward to seeing you at this great local community of developers
   and users of open source data tools.**
   Ginny Ghezzo**


   Visible links
   1. https://www.meetup.com/PyData-Triangle/events/241051107/

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