[TriPython] TriPython December 2017 Meeting: Conda

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Thu Dec 7 10:43:33 EST 2017

Special note: the December featured speaker meeting will be second Thursday instead of fourth Thursday to schedule around the holidays.

As nobody volunteered to give the talk this month, you will have to suffer through my talk. Or maybe I’m the one who will suffer, hard to tell. Anyway, it’s on a topic I have long hoped someone else would present and is pretty overdue. However, in the spirit of TriPythnon do-acracy, if you want to see something done, do It yourself.

The meeting is at Caktus Group who have been providing nice snacks for us at meetings for awhile. I’m not expecting them to, but when they do, it’s nice.


When: Thursday, December 14, 7pm
Where:  Caktus Group, 108 Morris St., Durham
What: Chris Calloway will talk about Conda, the Python-powered, open-source, language-agnostic, cross-platform binary-dependency manager which has experienced wide adoption in the scientific Python and Python data science communities by virtue of inclusion within the Anaconda Python distribution. Conda is like pip, setuptools, and virtualenv all rolled into one. Attendees will see what Conda is, how to get and install Conda, how to manage Conda environments, how to install packages with Conda, how to use Anaconda Cloud repository channels especially the Conda-forge channel, and how to make recipes for Conda package distributions. Extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration are also welcome and don't need to be pre-announced. Park in the municipal deck on the other side of the Arts Council across W. Morgan St. The meeting will be followed by our usual after-meeting at a nearby tavern for food and beverage. Come join us for a fun and informative evening.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

-------------- next part --------------
   Special note: the December featured speaker meeting will be second
   Thursday instead of fourth Thursday to schedule around the holidays.

   As nobody volunteered to give the talk this month, you will have to suffer
   through my talk. Or maybe I'm the one who will suffer, hard to tell.
   Anyway, it's on a topic I have long hoped someone else would present and
   is pretty overdue. However, in the spirit of TriPythnon do-acracy, if you
   want to see something done, do It yourself.

   The meeting is at Caktus Group who have been providing nice snacks for us
   at meetings for awhile. I'm not expecting them to, but when they do, it's


   When: Thursday, December 14, 7pm

   Where:  Caktus Group, 108 Morris St., Durham

   What: Chris Calloway will talk about Conda, the Python-powered,
   open-source, language-agnostic, cross-platform binary-dependency manager
   which has experienced wide adoption in the scientific Python and Python
   data science communities by virtue of inclusion within the Anaconda Python
   distribution. Conda is like pip, setuptools, and virtualenv all rolled
   into one. Attendees will see what Conda is, how to get and install Conda,
   how to manage Conda environments, how to install packages with Conda, how
   to use Anaconda Cloud repository channels especially the Conda-forge
   channel, and how to make recipes for Conda package distributions.
   Extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration are also welcome
   and don't need to be pre-announced. Park in the municipal deck on the
   other side of the Arts Council across W. Morgan St. The meeting will be
   followed by our usual after-meeting at a nearby tavern for food and
   beverage. Come join us for a fun and informative evening.



   Chris Calloway

   Applications Analyst

   University of North Carolina

   Renaissance Computing Institute

   (919) 599-3530

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