[TriPython] Test Day for Pulp 2.14 Beta and Debian plugin

koliveir at redhat.com koliveir at redhat.com
Thu Aug 3 14:42:45 EDT 2017

I've invited you to fill out the following form:
Test Day for Pulp 2.14 Beta and Debian plugin

To fill it out, visit:

You may have heard about the upcoming test day, and now you can RSVP to  
keep in touch and request help!

Google Forms: Create and analyze surveys.
-------------- next part --------------
   [1]Google Forms

You may have heard about the upcoming test day, and now you can RSVP to keep in
touch and request help!
[2]Test Day for Pulp 2.14 Beta and Debian plugin
RSVP to participate in test day

   [4]Create your own Google Form


   Visible links
   2. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJfFFxGrPL-z3t_el90QeuF5VX5u4yxcm0-2MIxpPJAZAFvw/viewform?c=0&w=1&includes_info_params=true&usp=mail_form_link
   3. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJfFFxGrPL-z3t_el90QeuF5VX5u4yxcm0-2MIxpPJAZAFvw/viewform?c=0&w=1&includes_info_params=true&usp=mail_form_link
   4. https://docs.google.com/forms?usp=mail_form_link

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