[TriPython] Want to Be Paid to Work on Open Source?

Mark Lavin markdlavin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 15:51:46 CEST 2015

Catkus Group has a few more opportunities for local Python/Django
developers. We are excited to have a new Open Source Fellowship position
which is a part-time paid position for the fall which will be focused
entirely on contributing to open source projects used at Caktus Group. You
can read more about the motivations for this positions on our blog


and find the application here


We are also looking for local Django developers for contracting work. The
hours and rate vary on availability and experience:

If you have questions on these or any other positions at Caktus Group I'd
be happy to answer them. You can reach me at this email or
mlavin at caktusgroup.com. You can also find me at most Durham Project Nights.
The next one is Monday Aug 17th


-------------- next part --------------
   Catkus Group has a few more opportunities for local Python/Django
   developers. We are excited to have a new Open Source Fellowship position
   which is a part-time paid position for the fall which will be focused
   entirely on contributing to open source projects used at Caktus Group. You
   can read more about the motivations for this positions on our blog
   and find the application here
   We are also looking for local Django developers for contracting work. The
   hours and rate vary on availability and
   experience: [3]https://www.caktusgroup.com/careers/#op-74328-django-web-developer-contractor
   If you have questions on these or any other positions at Caktus Group I'd
   be happy to answer them. You can reach me at this email or
   [4]mlavin at caktusgroup.com. You can also find me at most Durham Project
   Nights. The next one is Monday Aug
   17th [5]http://www.meetup.com/tripython/events/223558467/


   Visible links
   1. https://www.caktusgroup.com/blog/2015/08/06/announcing-caktus-open-source-fellowship/
   2. https://www.caktusgroup.com/careers/#op-73393-caktus-open-source-fellow
   3. https://www.caktusgroup.com/careers/#op-74328-django-web-developer-contractor
   4. mailto:mlavin at caktusgroup.com
   5. http://www.meetup.com/tripython/events/223558467/

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