[TriPython] Items of interest

Mark Hutchinson aikimark at aol.com
Fri Apr 24 04:17:43 CEST 2015

Guido Van Rossum's keynote address at Pycon 2015 starts with Python 2->3 conversions (about 10 min long topic): https://youtu.be/G-uKNd5TSBw?t=21s

A bit of Python code shows up in the new movie, Ex Machina.  The code, itself, isn't important.  The fact that it showed up on screen long enough to recognize the language is a nice touch.  The world needs to know that programming isn't instantaneous -- at least not as fast as the executing code.

This is a follow-up of a conversation I had in the parking lot:
Multiple (cluistered) lens tech will allow much higher resolution and post-pic focusing (think lytro):

Mark Hutchinson

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