[TriZPUG] Caktus Moving To Durham

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Wed Mar 26 22:28:11 CET 2014

On 3/26/2014 3:49 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> The thing about RENCI is, really nice meeting rooms. And a desire to be
> seen doing community outreach.

Oh, and lots of free on-site after-hours parking, which was the primary 
impetus for moving the Chapel Hill/Carrboro meetings from UNC to Caktus 
to begin with.


Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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