[TriZPUG] Reference The Current Version Of Your Python Egg In Your Modules

Joseph S. Tate dragonstrider at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 09:13:32 CET 2014

I do something similar, I don't know of a way to read the package version
from setuptools, though it's likely there somewhere.

I usually have a 'version.py' file that contains "VERSION="1.0.3r9" (or

Then in my setup.py I run "execfile(os.path.join('PKGNAME',
'version.py'))". Then VERSION is available locally. Where I need to use it
in code, I'll from pkg.version import VERSION.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Philip Semanchuk <philip at semanchuk.com>wrote:

> On Jan 23, 2014, at 7:40 PM, Josh Johnson wrote:
> > So I've got an app. It's packaged as an egg. I want to do stuff like
> write
> > to the log file "starting MyApp version 1.2.3332". What's the best way to
> > store that information?
> >
> > In the past I've set a 'constant' at the root of the egg, something like
> > APPVERSION, and I reference it as MyApp.APPVERSION. I just have to
> remember
> > to keep it in line with the version in setup.py.
> >
> > Is there a better way?
> Hi Josh,
> I dunno if this is quite what you are looking for, but my app packages
> always contain a file called VERSION which contains (surprisingly) the
> version string and nothing else. That's the only place the version resides;
> all other code reads it from there. For instance, I have this in my
> setup.py --
> VERSION = open("VERSION").read().strip()
> That value also gets compiled into my C code via a .h file (which is
> written by setup.py), it's used by the code that builds my tarballs, etc.
> This also has the advantage of putting the version in a discrete, clearly
> marked file so that someone can see the package version even if its
> directory name (which typically contains the version info) gets changed.
> Hope this helps,
> Philip
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Joseph Tate
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