[TriZPUG] Pycon US 2014

Chris Laffra laffra at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 17:24:47 CEST 2014

Hi Tr-Pythonistas,

I demoed PyAlgoViz <http://pyalgoviz.appspot.com/> to most of you at two
different Triangle Python meetings in Raleigh and Carrboro. Fun fact is
that I actually developed those algorithm visualizations to practice my
coding skills and get more familiar with AppEngine. I did this in
preparation for the notorious Google engineering interviews. My plan worked
out pretty well. I currently work with the teams in NY and Mountain View,
and have a desk at Google Chapel Hill.

At Pycon US 2014 in Montreal, I will explain how I managed to get hired by
Google by using Python:

I hope to see all of you at one of the following opportunities:

   - my How I Got my Job at
   at Google's sponsor workshop on Thursday,
   - one of the many good bars and restaurants in Montreal,
   - the Google recruiting booth, and
   - my poster session<https://plus.google.com/104991931781045204476/posts/hr61z1qMJXE>

Did you all know Google has an engineering lab in Chapel Hill, NC? Did you
know we are actively hiring?

Safe travels,
Chris Laffra <http://chrislaffra.com/>
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