[TriZPUG] Regular expressions- my son getting me stuck!

lionface.lemonface at gmail.com lionface.lemonface at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 21:17:09 CEST 2012

I'd sugest using an html parsing library to do this, but the mistake in your regexp is the '.+' part - you want to match any _whitespace_ not any character - \s+ should work (\s matches any whitespace char)

But also be careful with .* inside the attr, that will match " and <> too (the non greedy flag helps here but don't rely on it elsewhere!).

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Browne <M.Browne at andor.com>
Sender: trizpug-bounces+lionface.lemonface=gmail.com at python.org
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 18:33:55 
To: trizpug at python.org<trizpug at python.org>
Reply-To: "Triangle \(North Carolina\) Zope and Python Users Group"
	<trizpug at python.org>
Subject: [TriZPUG] Regular expressions- my son getting me stuck!

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