[TriZPUG] Fwd: [TriLUG] January 12 meeting - Open Source Business Intelligence Tools

Justis Peters justis.peters at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 21:03:56 CET 2012

Some TriZPUG members may be interested in next week's meeting of the 
Triangle Linux Users Group. Alex will be talking mostly about products 
from Pentaho (http://www.pentaho.com/), which are primarily written in 
Java and have APIs for Java. That said, you could probably consume them 
using jython.

He will also be talking generally about business intelligence, which is 
an exciting and interesting topic for anyone with access to significant 
amounts of data. There are also a handful of OLAP projects implemented 
in python, so you may be able to apply the knowledge from Alex's talk to 
speed your learning of a python project.

For a quick intro to what BI is, please see 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_intelligence. If that gets you 
curious, then please join us next week to learn more!

Kind regards,
Justis Peters

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[TriLUG] January 12 meeting - Open Source Business 
Intelligence Tools
Date: 	Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:31:20 -0500
Reply-To: 	Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion 
<trilug at trilug.org>
To: 	trilug-announce at trilug.org, Triangle Linux Users Group General 
Discussion <trilug at trilug.org>

Topic: Open Source Business Intelligence Tools
Presenter: Alex Meadows
When: Thursday, January 12, 7pm
Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus
Map: http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/ww/americas/raleigh.html

Business Intelligence has become one of the business world's most 
valuable tools to determine upcoming business decisions. Thanks to the 
open source revolution, BI is no longer just for enterprise level 
businesses. This presentation will go over the different areas of 
Business Intelligence and show just how far open source alternatives 
have come in each area. BI can be broken down into five distinct areas, 
which include:

*) Reporting
*) Data Warehousing
*) Statistical Analysis
*) Visualization
*) Predictive Analytics

 From the very basic reporting to the most advanced predictive 
analytics, open source can cover many of the features and capabilities 
of their multi-million dollar competitors.

Alex Meadows is an avid open source advocate and self proclaimed 'data 
geek'. He has worked in the Business Intelligence field for six years 
and holds a Masters in Business Intelligence from Saint Joseph's 
University. He is also the Community Leader of the RTP Penthao User 
Group. He can be followed on his blog at 
http://www.bluefiredatasolutions.com and on Twitter at @DBA_Alex.

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