[TriZPUG] Project Night Recap - Look What I Made!

Jim Allman jim at ibang.com
Fri Aug 10 04:23:38 CEST 2012

On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Mark Lavin wrote:
> Anyone else want to show off what they worked on?

I was working on logo ideas for TriPython. Here's my best shot so far:

The look is retro-70's "supergraphics", with a triskelion (treskel) that works as an independent emblem or as part of the logotype.

The accent colors are up for discussion. If we want to avoid any of the local university colors, maybe teal (bottom) would be better than the red.

This is all vector art, adapted from a free font called "Eyelevation Pro":


Jim Allman
Interrobang Digital Media
(919) 649-5760

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