[TriZPUG] Email List Reminders

David Burton ncdave4life at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 06:48:16 CEST 2012

Good info!  Thanks, Chris!

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Chris Calloway <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:

> A reminder of a few things concerning the TriZPUG email list:
> 1) The TriZPUG email list is hosted by the Python Software Foundation at
> python.org. Python.org email lists are managed by the MailMan package
> written in Python. MailMan is the most popular email list management
> package in the world and is part of the GNU project. Isn't it cool to eat
> your own dog food? Isn't it cool most of the rest of world eats out dog
> food?
> 2) Python.org's MailMan instance uses sensible default settings such as
> the 40KB limit on attachments so as not to bloat list archives with
> attachments. It has long been accepted netiquette that if you need to
> distribute a file via email, then you should host your file yourself and
> provide a link to your hosted file rather than attaching it to your email,
> just like you should use Pastebin when sharing code on IRC.
> 3) Like most email lists managers, it is MailMan's sensible default to
> only allow mail from subscribed email addresses to pass through to the
> other members of the list, so that you will not be getting spam from this
> email list. If you are subscribed to this email list with one email
> address, but attempt to post from a different email address, your post will
> not go through to the list.
> If you prefer to read the list through one email address, but post through
> others, then subscribe all the email addresses you wish to post from and
> set the "Mail delivery" option to "disabled" on your subscription options
> for each of thos post-only email addresses at:
> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/options/trizpug<http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/trizpug>
> I have allowed a few posts to pass through the moderation queue lately
> which fell afoul of the above reminders. But I don't intend to do that
> indefinitely, especially after reminding. These are fairly normal email
> list defaults for the large majority of all email lists. The email list
> also default to echoing your posts back to you on the list unless you
> request otherwise in your subscription options. So if you don't see your
> post echoed back to you by the list, your post has likely been dumped in
> the moderation queue for one of the above reasons.
> To help you figure that out, I have changed one of the global defaults for
> the entire email list. This option is called "Send mail to poster when
> their posting is held for approval (respond_to_post_requests)?" So now if
> your post goes in the moderation queue, you'll get an email about it, and
> hopefully the moderation notification will say why.
> If you get one of those moderation notifications, rather than tell me
> about it, please fix the situation the moderation notification tells you
> the problem is on your end. Because I will likely just start deleting posts
> held in the moderation queue now that they are accumulating at the rate of
> a few per day. I have been sending out personalized reminders to offenders
> when a post hits the moderation queue. But I think that needs to change
> with this new list option.
> Thank you and Happy Pythoneering.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
> office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
> mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
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