[TriZPUG] Project Night Wednesday August 8

Calvin Spealman ironfroggy at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 22:36:34 CEST 2012

Have a project you want to show off, share, seek help with, or just
get some work done surrounded my like minded python lovers? Join us
for our first monthly hack night and do just that! Don't have
something to work on? Show up and enjoy the energy, sprint on an open
source project, find something interesting to contribute to or be
inspired by!

The setting is informal and there is no schedule, so don't worry if
you show up past the start time.

ANNOUNCEMENT: At this meeting I will be looking for anyone who wants
to discuss plans for PyCarolinas and volunteer to help out. Please
come if you'd like to talk about the event and what you can do to make
it happen!

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