[TriZPUG] "Use of the Words 'Variable' and 'Assignment' Considered Harmful in Python"

Jim Allman jim at ibang.com
Thu Sep 29 19:42:41 CEST 2011

On Sep 29, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:

> The harm is twofold. Firstly, 'variable' and 'identifier' have very precise meanings in computer science that are language-independent.

Very nice, my brain thanks you for boiling it down to simple, distinct terms.

This explains why people accustomed to statically-typed languages--those with explicit, invariable types for each variable--get the willies when looking at Python. And why you have to explain that Python is a strongly- but dynamically-typed language. 

(OK, I probably fumbled that somehow. Corrections gratefully accepted!)

Neat discussion and several explanations here:


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