[TriZPUG] OT: Free books

Joseph Tate dragonstrider at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 20:45:50 CEST 2010

The following books are up for grabs:

C++ Primer 3rd ed., Lipmann, Lajole
Effective C++ 2nd ed., Meyers
More Effective C++, Meyers
Advanced Macroeconomics 2nd ed., Romer
Microeconomic Analysis 3rd ed.,  Varian
Image Processing in Java, Lyon
Graphic Java 2 3rd ed.,  Geary
Java 2D Graphics, Knudsen
Red Hat Linux Unleashed, 3rd ed., Pitts, Ball
ASP in a Nutshell, Weissinger
Windows 2000 Graphics API Black Book, Chandler, Fötsch

I'm in South Durham near Woodcroft Pkwy and Carpenter-Fletcher.  Let
me know what books you want, and when you can come to get them.  I
could also bring them to the next TriLUG and/or TriZPUG meetings.

Joseph Tate
Personal e-mail: jtate AT dragonstrider DOT com
Web: http://www.dragonstrider.com

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