[TriZPUG] TriZPUG Digest, Vol 22, Issue 10

Michael Clemmons glassresistor at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 23:10:29 CET 2010

Hey all and specifically Chris,
I'm going to pycon with the caktus guys and the plan is to leave on thurs
and come back tues.
I have a friend charlie who both wants to tour some of the local hardware
recycling in the area and go check out some "hackspaces", which are just
houses with lab benchs for hardware and software projects.  He also is
thinking of trying to check out some of the pycon events depending on
availability of tickets and such.
I have a place for he and I to stay while we are in town and we might be
able to offer another bed or room to sleep in which is only afew minutes via
subway to the hotel if Chris or anyone else is interested.
I'm leaving thursday at 3 to go with the Caktus group but we have a full car
if anyone can  take charlie and/or possibly give me a ride back after
tuesdays since thats when Caktus leave that would be great(so 1 there and 1
back(anytime) is all thats needed but 1 there and 2back after tues is
preffered).  If anyone can take someone there and back you should let me
know and ill check through list-serv logs as well.   I'd like to stay longer
if possible and spend time with a close friend.
I'm willing to help with $$  cash but would prefer, help, feeding and
shteltering ppl while they are in atlanta instead.  My friends house has
allot of cool computer toys and we will be build a eucalyptus cloud one
night if anyone wants to help.  Please get back asap and reply back to me
and the group since i get this list serve via Digests and replying back
directly will get back to me much faster also calling 910 524 4383 will
Anyone wanting to hang and explore atlanta at night is welcome to come
outside the Hyatt where local programmers meetup and see whats happening
with technology in atlanta.  Just call or find me in person.
thanks again,

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:00 AM, <trizpug-request at python.org> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. PyCon travel. (J. Cliff Dyer)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 19:31:32 -0500
> From: "J. Cliff Dyer" <jcd at sdf.lonestar.org>
> To: trizpug at python.org
> Subject: [TriZPUG] PyCon travel.
> Message-ID: <1266280292.2304.19.camel at webb>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hey all,
> Just a quick last minute announcement that I am in fact going to PyCon.
> I'm doing a couple tutorials on Thursday, so I'll be driving down on
> Wednesday evening and back on Sunday evening.  If anyone needs a ride
> either way, (or can offer a ride at both those times) let me know.
> Also, if anyone still has some space in a hotel room, for all or part of
> that time, I'd be happy to chip in.
> Cheers,
> Cliff
> ------------------------------
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> TriZPUG mailing list
> TriZPUG at python.org
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> End of TriZPUG Digest, Vol 22, Issue 10
> ***************************************
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