[TriZPUG] Want to present on MoinMoin, when are the next couple of meetings?

Paul Smith paul at blinkylights.org
Fri Nov 13 19:43:11 CET 2009

cbcoasis wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 10:55:49 -0500, Chris Calloway <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:
>> The
>> meeting next Thursday will be at Capstrat at 7pm.
> Also, that night is a Hurricanes game night at the RBC. The game starts at
> 7pm also. So you'll probably need to budget some extra time to get through
> the traffic which will all be going to the game at the same intersection
> with Highway Patrol out there trying to route you into the RBC center.
> I believe there is a way you can sneak into Capstrat from Nowell Rd and
> Sunday Dr without having to get on Edwards Mill Rd, which you probably want
> t avoid if possible on game day. I'll check into that for y'all.
> Cheers, Chris

    There is, indeed, a Hurricanes game next Thursday at 7pm, and yes,
that can slow things down along the Edwards Mill route. It's also true
that you can get to Capstrat along an alternate route from Nowell, but
be warned that the hockey fans also know about the back way, and that
route can get just as choked down.
    Best thing to do might be to change our start time to 7:30, and give
the hockey people a chance to clear out a little.


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