[TriZPUG] informal Triangle Django Users Group starting

Josh Johnson josh_johnson at unc.edu
Thu Nov 12 17:52:33 CET 2009

On Nov 12, 2009, at 11:02 AM, Paul McLanahan wrote:
> I do still think that with the popularity of Django these days among
> people who aren't necessarily "Python people,"

I think this is the crux of the whole issue. IMHO, if you're a Django  
person, you *need* to be a python person. If you're not a python  
person, that should be your goal.

I understand that Django offers a low barrier to entry and that people  
who aren't programmers use it as a primary focus of their work (even  
though, personally, I think that's a delusion).

That said, I don't think TriZPUG is full of elitist super  
programmers*. Nobody should be intimidated by us.

I saw this a lot when I was primarily a PHP developer (close to 10  
years). I felt it personally when I was but a young programming  
padawan. What I realized though, was if I gave up my pride and fear of  
looking stupid and started hanging out with people I thought were  
good, and asking the stupid questions, I'd get better.

The idea of making my own group of non-elite quasi-super programmers  
so I don't feel bad that I wasn't born with compiler code in my DNA is  
kind of silly. Just getting really good at being mediocre doesn't help  

But that's just my take on things. What was it that Edie Brickell said  
about Philosophy? :P

Anyway, +1 for more talks about Django on the list, more presentations  
at meetings, and talking about other web stuff (nobody will complain).  
If you're really concerned, add OT: to the beginning of your posts  
about HTML or AJAX or whatever. It seems to work for the TriLUG list,  
and they've got a organizational board and stuff :)


* emphasis on the elitist part here, I think we're all super :D

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