[TriZPUG] Plone sales pitch?

Paul Godley pgodley at gmail.com
Sun May 3 20:54:54 CEST 2009

Thanks for all the good info and ideas. I just subscribed to Plone
Evangelism and will ask the question there too.

I do Python and Zope programming, took Joel Burton's Plone Bootcamp
last summer, have dipped my toe into Plone dev, and have an internal
Plone server running with logins set up for some coworkers.

I plan to use Plone's "view as slideshow" option to do a short
presentation. My main point will be that the content is searchable.
Next, that Plone is easy for everyone to contribute to, thereby
allowing the contribution and maintenance effort to be shared around
the office. People in charge of the info can now be in charge of
publishing it. Cool stuff.

After that point, I'm not sure where I want to go. I'm thinking "can
do a lot out of the box", "can display data from other databases we
have", then "we can create custom content types if needed". It'll be a
short presentation, so that will probably cover it.

Please don't hesitate to offer other suggestions. And thanks again!


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Chris Calloway <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:
> On 5/1/2009 12:39 PM, Paul Godley wrote:
>> All,
>> I know I'm a little off topic here, but I figure you Python folks know
>> a lot of Plone too.
>> I'm going to deliver an internal sales pitch at work, promoting Plone
>> for a company intranet. It'd be used for general company information
>> (newsletter type stuff), employee collaboration/discussion while
>> working through ideas (rather than endless email threads), SOP
>> document storage, and whatever else it seems good for.
>> So I'm looking for good talking points for a Plone sales pitch. Have
>> any of you pitched Plone? What sales techniques worked well? What fell
>> flat?
>> I've subscribed to this list for a while, so I'm starting here. I'm
>> not on a Plone list. Feel free to recommend a good one if this is too
>> off topic for this list.
> You are not too off topic. But you may want to join the Plone Evangelism
> list and ask this question there also, because that list is all about
> pitching Plone and the folks on that list have lots of Plone pitching
> resources:
> http://lists.plone.org/mailman/listinfo/evangelism
> Most of the Plone Community just participated in World Plone Day this past
> April 22, which is a day for pitching Plone. TriZPUG had a WPD event last
> fall but didn't have anyone who wanted to drive one this spring. But you can
> benefit from the materials other folks contributed to the effort:
> http://www.openplans.org/projects/plone-marketing/contributed-marketing-materials
> --
> Sincerely,
> Chris Calloway
> http://www.secoora.org
> office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
> mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
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