[TriZPUG] New Plone Book

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Mon Feb 9 16:55:29 CET 2009

There was a new Plone Book released at the beginning of this month:


If you buy it from the publisher (same cost as Amazon), you can get it 
bundled with the PDF version for carrying around on your laptop or PDA 
for an extra $10.

If you buy the book alone from the publisher, you can also use our User 
Group code to get an extra 5% off in addition to the publisher's 10% 
online discount. To get the code, just hover over the publisher's 
portlet on the front page of the TriZPUG website. Note: the User Group 
discount code is not in addition to any other discount. It is not good 
for any discount above 15% off full price. So if you are already getting 
an 18% online discount on a book/PDF bundle, the User Group discount 
will not change the price. It will, however, increase a 10% discount to 15%.

Also, here are a couple of recent blog articles on the publisher's 
website suitable for Plone newbies:



Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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