[TriZPUG] "Selecting a JavaScript Framework" tonight, November 20 7:15pm at RedHat Headquarters

Brad Oaks bradoaks at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 18:16:57 CET 2008

Hello TriZPUG,

I forgot to cross-post this to you earlier.  But if you're available
tonight and want to hear about selecting from among the many
JavaScript frameworks, we'd be glad to have you stop by.
Tonight's talk is not perl-specific.  Details are below and at

Hope to see you out if the topic is useful to you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Oaks <bradoaks at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:17 PM
Subject: Raleigh.pm meeting Thursday, November 20 7:15pm at RedHat Headquarters
To: Raleigh Perl Mongers <raleigh-pm at pm.org>, Triangle Linux Users
Group discussion list <trilug at trilug.org>

Hello Perl Mongers and TriLUGgers,

Raleigh.pm meeting Thursday, November 20 7:15pm at RedHat Headquarters
 * Note the new location *

Jason Purdy will be presenting:
Selecting a JavaScript Framework

There are seven main AJAX frameworks with no clear über-framework.
There are several factors in choosing the right AJAX framework for
your web application. In this session, we will discuss these factors
and where each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, giving you
the knowledge and comfort you need to make a clear decision for which
framework to adopt for your projects.

This talk is not Perl-specific and should be of interest to web
programmers of many stripes.

As always an RSVP email to me is appreciated but not required.
<a href="mailto:bradoaks at gmail.com?subject=November+meeting+RSVP">mailtolink</a>

Jason Purdy is the IT Manager for Journalistic, Inc., a publishing
company in Durham, NC. Jason oversees all technical aspects and
operations, but loves the time best when focused on developing Web
applications, something he has been involved with since 1994. Jason
graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a Mathematical Sciences degree
(Computer Science track), written several technical articles for
various publications (including Dr. Dobbs, Java Developers Journal,
Visual J++ Journal) and has given similar technical presentations at
conferences around the world (including OOP, Comdex, Java SIG, XML One
and ApacheCon).

RedHat Headquarters — 1801 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606

RedHat Headquarters is on the Centennial campus of NC State
University. There is a parking deck next to the building where it is
free to park after hours.

Thank you and hope to see you out,

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