[TriZPUG] Nov / Dec TriZPUG Meeting

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Mon Nov 10 17:08:46 CET 2008

On 11/10/2008 9:54 AM, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
> I'm not sure what a lightning talk is, but on Dec 4th I'll be available 
> to talk about the IPC modules I support (posix_ipc and shm).

Please, yes. I'm all down with Dec 4th, then.

A lightning talk is where someone spends five minutes sharing something 
they learned about Python in the last month.

Normally at PyCon and other software conferences there will be a 
lightning talk sign-up sheet for each day so that the last hour of the 
day will have 12 lightning talk slots presented more or less 
extemporaneously. They don't generally require any preparation. Usually 
the best things about Python and other similar conferences are the 
lightning talks.

We've been promoting lightning talks at TriZPUG meetings for awhile 
because they get more people involved in telling us about what they've 
been doing with Python. If there is no other program at a TriZPUG 
meeting, then the meeting could be all lightning talks. A meeting with 
ten lightning talks is a pretty interesting meeting. If there is a 
program at a TriZPUG meeting, there is still time for lightning talks 
because lightning talks are short.

I think what you've done with IPC merits a bit more than a lightning 
talk. Your IPC modules qualify as a program presentation. Take as long 
as you'd like to talk about them.


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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