[TriZPUG] Python class for beginner

Nick Goldwater nick at dogstar1.com
Mon May 19 18:15:58 CEST 2008

The only sticking point is the boot camp occurs during the work week and Python is not something 'directly' related to my job. But it looks to be the best bet available. Thanks!

----- "J. Cliff Dyer" <jcd at sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:

| Nick,
| You should take a look at the Python Boot Camp coming up in August.
| Cheers,
| Cliff
| On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 11:20 -0400, Nick Goldwater wrote:
| > Would anyone be interested in giving a few into classes on Python or
| possibly tutoring? I currently write (mainly sysadmin) scripts in Bash
| and have been interested in learning Python but there do not seem to
| be classes that one can simply take. (Or at least I have not found
| them) I have looked at some of the manuals and HowTo docs however I
| have found that I learn and retain what I have learned better in a
| interactive environment. For example, I may not know the appropriate
| question to ask but someone else may intuit or simply ask the relevant
| question.
| > 
| > Sans the availability of anyone to offer such a service, my fall
| back is asking for the recommendation of the "best" source of beginner
| information.
| > 
| > Thanks!
| > 
| > Nick
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