[TriZPUG] Plone Hosting

Chris Rossi chris at christophermrossi.com
Fri Jul 11 23:45:30 CEST 2008

Hi Ben, have you seen this?


They may not have had this last you looked.  I'm still on a regular 
shared server plan but I could conceivably switch to that any time and 
run anything I want.


Ben Donnelly wrote:
> Hi Chris-
> Dreamhost doesn't allow plone on virtual accounts: too systems
> intensive. At least that was the case a few years ago. I did get it to
> compile and run, before running across documentation that said it
> wasn't supported/allowed. As a middleground solution, you could get a
> dedicated server account, do the install yourself, and spin off little
> plone sites within that zope service pretty quickly and easily. If you
> figure to be pitching Plone pretty frequently, I go that route.
> - Bendy
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Chris Rossi
> <chris at christophermrossi.com> wrote:
>> Hello gang, I'm back in the Zope/Plone world after three years off doing
>> Java web applications for clinical data management.  I'm trying my hand at
>> freelance now, so we'll see how it goes.
>> I have a potential customer with a small, fairly low traffic site that may
>> be interested in a CMS and I would like to pitch Plone.  What I need to
>> figure out is where they can host it if they do go for Plone.  I figure my
>> two choices are:
>> 1) Hosting with a company that specializes in Zope/Plone hosting,
>> 2) Setting up a virtual server account with someone like Dreamhost and
>> running it in a virtual server
>> Who has direct experience with either of these options and would like to
>> share?  Any particular recommendations?  Who's good?
>> Thanks all!
>> Chris
>> --
>> http://christophermrossi.com
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