[TriZPUG] Plone Hosting

Chris Rossi chris at christophermrossi.com
Fri Jul 11 22:28:26 CEST 2008

Hello gang, I'm back in the Zope/Plone world after three years off doing 
Java web applications for clinical data management.  I'm trying my hand 
at freelance now, so we'll see how it goes.

I have a potential customer with a small, fairly low traffic site that 
may be interested in a CMS and I would like to pitch Plone.  What I need 
to figure out is where they can host it if they do go for Plone.  I 
figure my two choices are:

 1) Hosting with a company that specializes in Zope/Plone hosting,
 2) Setting up a virtual server account with someone like Dreamhost and 
running it in a virtual server

Who has direct experience with either of these options and would like to 
share?  Any particular recommendations?  Who's good?

Thanks all!

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